Sunday, March 9, 2025

Faculty of Education

Passion International Open University – USA Faculty of Education

Introduction to the faculty

The College of Education is one of the colleges of Passion International University in America, and it works according to the requirements of the local, regional and global communities. And according to the conditions and needs of educational and psychological sciences needed by the family, school and mental health centers, as well as providing society, especially the labor market, with serious constructive cards from enthusiastic educators in the field of education. And therapists and psychological counselors in the field of mental health … It works to provide an opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies, prepare them for motivated students and provide them with vital skills to work in educational universities and training centers, and hold forums, conferences and seminars that are popular with many educational and non-educational centers and institutions.

The College of Education includes the following departments

  • Arabic Language Department
  • Department of Arabic for non-native speaker
  • Department of Psychology and Sociology
  • Department of Special Education
  • Department of Fundamentals of Education
  • Department of Islamic Studies
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Management and Planning Department
  • Mathematics Department
  • Science Department
  • English Department
  • Turkish Language Department
  • Education Technology Department
  • Curriculum and Instruction Department

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for the comprehensive diploma, the bachelor’s and postgraduate levels for the higher diploma, master’s and doctoral program?

It is possible to communicate with the university administration and provide the student with all appropriate fees for the student’s standard of living and financial capabilities.

Is it possible for a student to change his major after obtaining his bachelor’s degree to a new specialization with a higher diploma, master’s or doctorate?

Yes, this can be done according to the study criteria or as the university administration deems appropriate.

How to pay university fees or installments for all levels of study and postgraduate studies?

Usually, at the beginning of the study, half of the prescribed fees are paid, and the university considers and takes into account the student’s financial conditions and works on dividing the rest of the fees in installments.

In the event that the student drops out of studies at the BA stage due to some circumstance, what is the period that allows him to drop out and then return to study?

The university administration considers the reasons and circumstances and then judges in light of that. Often the university administration takes into account the conditions of the students at those times.

How long is the study period in the comprehensive diploma majors, the undergraduate and postgraduate levels?

The university adopts the intensive credit hour system according to the appropriate time of the student and his diligence to complete the study requirements for all stages or according to the completion of writing the research for postgraduate studies in case he was chosen for that. The study that is required and required of him.

What is the study system for the bachelor's and postgraduate levels, a specialized higher diploma, a master's or a doctorate?

Of course, studying (distance via the Internet)

As for the diploma and bachelor’s stages, the student chooses either the credit hours, which is often the common one, or the semester system… As for postgraduate studies, they follow the credit hours system, or writing the research, or both, according to the student’s choice.

Is the general grade a statement of the student’s marks in the comprehensive diploma or the bachelor’s degree as a percentage mark or an estimate or symbols according to the American system (A B C +)?

The general estimate is the estimate for the number with the general estimate.

What is the period that a student is allowed to enroll in studies since the date of university admission?

Within a month of university admission.

Teaching Staff

Department of Psychology and Sociology

Dr.Hamada Mohamed Soliman Khallaf

Assistant Professor

From Egypt. Mental Health – Education Faculty.

Dr.Hafid Lasfar

Assistant Professor

From Morocco. Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology – Education Faculty .

Dr.Husam Ahmad Ibrahim Masheh

Associate Professor

From Jordan. Counseling and Educational Psychology – Education Faculty .

Master.Heba Taha Awad Awad Sobih

Trainer, Teacher and Lecturer

From Egypt. Department of Psychology "Mental Health Division".

Dr.Farhan Alyasjeen

Assistant Professor

From Jordan. Mental Health - Department of Psychology.

Dr.Khaled Melhem

Assistant Professor

From Jordan. Departments of Psychology and Exclusive director of The Faculty.

Dr.Nahid AlKharashy

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

From Egypt. Head of The department of Sociology.

Department of Arabic for non-native speaker

Dr.Mohamed Zetan

Teacher and Lecturer

From Morocco. Department of Arabic for Non-speakers.

Department of English

Master.AbdulRazzaq H.A. AlMasoodi

Teacher and Lecturer

From Iraq. English Department – Faculty of Education.

Dr.Hana` Ahmad Abdallah Albado

Assistant Professor

From Jordan. English Department – Faculty of Education.

Master.Youssef Ben-Naouar

Vice Head

English Department – Faculty of Education.

Dr.Nehad Hamid

Head of Department

From Egypt. English Department – Faculty of Education.

Department of Fundamentals of Education

Dr.Noha Helmey

Instructor and Lecturer

From Egypt. Department of Fundamentals of Education.

Department of Management and Planning

Dr.Husam Ahmad Ibrahim Masheh

Associate Professor

From Jordan. Counseling and Educational Psychology – Education Faculty .

Department of Philosophy

Dr.Hafid Lasfar

Assistant Professor

From Morocco. Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology – Education Faculty.


Head of the Department

From Jordan. Department of Philosophy.

Department of Science

Dr.Mazen Mohammed Yousef Refa`e

Head of the Department

From Jordan. Department of Science.

Department of Special Education

Dr.Doaa Samy Saeid Elsayed

Assistant Professor

From Egypt. Faculty of Education – Department of Special Education.

Dr.Israa Omar Abu Alkishek

Assistant Professor and Head of Department

From Jordan. Department of Special Education.

Department of Islamic Studies

Dr.Mahdi Majid Rizq Ahmed

Assistant Professor

From Jordan. Islamic Education – Faculty of Education.

Dr.Ali Mohamed Talab Jayousi

Assistant Professor and Head of Department

From Jordan. Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

Department of Islamic Studies

Dr.Tarek Abdulkafi Allouch

Assistant Professor

From Syria. Faculty of Education – Department of Mathematics.

Dr.Mohamed Abdel Maqsoud Qutb Amer

Assistant Professor

From Egypt. Faculty of Education – Department of Mathematics.

Dr.Khere Allah Sbeih

Head of the Department

From Jordan. Faculty of Education – Department of Mathematics.

Department of the Turkish language

Dr.Mohamed Zetan

Assistant Professor

From Morocco. Faculty of Education – Department of the Turkish language.

Available specialities

  • Specialization in Arabic Language and Literature
  • Specialization of the Qur’an and its sciences
  • Islamic studies major
  • Specialization in pedagogy
  • Management and planning major
  • Geography major
  • History major
  • Philosophy major
  • Psychology major
  • Sociology major
  • Social work major
  • Specialization in English Language and Literature
  • Major in French Language and Literature
  • Specialization in Spanish Language and Literature
  • Applied English major
  • Specialization in German and English
  • He majored in Chinese and English
  • Specialization in Spanish and English
  • Specialization in Italian and English languages
  • Specialization in Korean and English languages
  • Specialization in Russian and English languages
  • Specialization in Turkish and English languages

Curriculums plans

Introductory Diploma in ENGLISH

Integrated plan in ENGLISH

Multiple Masters in ENGLISH

MA in Educational Psychology in ENGLISH

MA in Mental Health in ENGLISH

PhD in Mental Health in ENGLISH


Integrated plan in ENGLISH

BAC in Educational leadership in ENGLISH

Islamic Studies Department

Department of Management and Planning
